This dip is similar to white cheese sauces served in many Mexican restaurants. The amount of heat can be adjusted by adding your favorite chili pepper...
This is a true chile con queso that can be eaten with tostadas or in a warm corn tortilla. This is not like the Americanized version of chili con queso...
I've had this recipe for a long time. It's great for parties and football get-togethers. With just three ingredients, it's very easy to prepare. Serve...
This is a HUGE hit at all of my parties!!! With kids, as well as adults...and it is very easy to make!!! Serve this flavorful dip with tortilla chips....
This is great for football gatherings when you want to serve something hearty and filling. It gets lots of compliments. Serve with bite-size pieces of...
This dip has all the best ingredients I've found from various other recipes and it's my favorite by far! Serve as a dip at a party or with sour cream and...
A wonderful, easy, creamy hot dip that even sauerkraut haters love. I often take this to work potlucks because I can assemble it at work. Just throw everything...
Otherwise known as cheese dip, this is a great recipe for any get together. Cheddar cheese is melted into a smooth, thick mixture. Bring along a couple...
This is the first thing to be eaten at every party, and it's sinfully easy! If you are not a big onion fan, don't be afraid. Onion is not the dominant...
A cheesy dip for the onion lover in all of us. I serve it with crackers but you can also use breadsticks. Be careful about over-baking as the cheese will...
This is my jazzed up version of classic queso dip taken to a heartier level, perfect for football games, tailgating or for taking along to pot lucks in...
These rye slices topped with sausage and cheese are so easy and so delicious that they are sure to please. In fact, my husband loves them so much that...
Your fondue party won't start hopping until the cheese starts melting. Get busy with this easy, basic Cheddar cheese fondue! It's perfect with pieces of...
The classic sandwich is converted to dip form, but I used pastrami instead of corned beef which is a little spicier. No matter which you use, you're going...
Green chile peppers and garlic spice up this easy and delicious hot dip. It's great to serve while your guests are enjoying wine and waiting on the main...
This round wheel of Brie is dusted with curry powder, then spread with a mango chutney, studded with chopped cashews, and baked until the cheese inside...
This hot dip is perfect for a tailgate party or anytime! Shredded chicken, cream cheese, hot sauce and lots of melted cheese create a wonderful buffalo...
AKA 'Diablo Dip,' this is creamy, spicy, gooey, crunchy, and so tasty! Great served with chips or spread on a bacon cheeseburger. I make mine with low-fat...
This dip is fast, easy and delicious! Whenever there's a potluck, I'm always asked, "Are you bringing the dip?" I can't go anywhere without it! Try experimenting...
Addictive, cheesy nacho dip with hamburger and just the right amount of spice, that makes plenty for a crowd. Serve on nacho chips with sour cream and...
Brie baked in a round sourdough bread bowl makes this ultimately easy! You could substitute a sweet chutney for the topping for even easier prep. I microwaved...
This dip is made for 3 to 6 men, sitting together on a Sunday, enjoying football and eating every manly thing possible. Of course, my girlfriend and her...
I came up with this dip when I was in the mood for Buffalo chicken dip, but didn't have the necessary ingredients. It is a creamy cheesy dip with a nice...
This is a delicious, easy, and creamy corn dip. You can adjust the spicy level according to the type of tomatoes with green chile peppers you buy. Serve...
A hot tasty dip that is sure to please everyone. Artichoke hearts and roasted red peppers add a pleasant zing to this mild crowd pleaser that's perfect...
This is a great dip for a football party. If you don't like the spicy stuff, omit them. I have also used just red pepper flakes and added more pepperoni....
For me this checks all the boxes for a hot party dip. It's relatively cheap and easy to make, but maybe more importantly, it's great hot, warm, or room...
A definite crowd pleaser, and not too spicy for those who usually shy away from chili or salsa dips. Served with tortilla chips. Best served warm, but...